Construction and Operating Cost Analysis of Grid Terminal Communication Access Networks
DOI: 10.12677/AEPE.2017.52006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,513  浏览: 5,094 
作者: 刘 瑾, 冯瑛敏, 黄丽妍, 任国岐, 赵 晶, 邵冰然:国网天津市电力公司经济技术研究院, 天津
关键词: 电力终端通信接入网建设成本运营成本经济指标Grid Terminal Access Network Construction Cost Operating Cost Economic Indicator
摘要: 基于实际运营经验介绍了10 kV和0.4 kV电力终端通信接入网的组网特性,并以两类实际工程项目为例,描述了对10 kV和0.4 kV电力终端通信接入网的实际建设方案。在此基础上分别从人员和运行维护两个方面对其建设成本和运营成本进行了分析,提出从两方面构建分析终端接入网经济指标,即通信节点接入建设投资和设备年运行费用分析经济指标。
Abstract: On the basis of actual operation experience, the networking characteristics of 10 kV and 0.4 kV grid terminal access networks are introduced. Moreover, according to two actual projects, the actual construction programs for 10 kV and 0.4 kV grid terminal access networks are respectively described. Then, the construction cost and operation cost are analyzed from the personnel and operational aspects. Finally, the economic indicators for grid terminal access networks are proposed, which respectively are communication node access construction investments and equipment operating annual costs.
文章引用:刘瑾, 冯瑛敏, 黄丽妍, 任国岐, 赵晶, 邵冰然. 电力终端通信接入网建设和运行成本分析[J]. 电力与能源进展, 2017, 5(2): 34-38. https://doi.org/10.12677/AEPE.2017.52006


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