The Effects of Family Structure on Children’s Traditional Rules and Customs Development
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.74072, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,570  浏览: 5,281  科研立项经费支持
作者: 张 丰, 徐 娟:北京联合大学,北京
关键词: 家庭结构主干家庭核心家庭传统规矩礼数Family Structure Stem Family Core Family Traditional Rules and Customs
摘要: 本研究采用自编的传统规矩礼数调查问卷,从“用餐规矩”、“拜访规矩”、“生活规矩”、“长幼相处规矩”四个方面了解不同的家庭结构下(主干家庭和核心家庭)的两组儿童(各30人)对于传统规矩礼数的了解度、认同度和遵从度的差异。研究结果发现:(1) 传统规矩礼数的学习包括知、情、行三个方面,对于传统规矩礼数的培养建议按照“晓之以理、动之以情、导之以行”的基本模式来培养。(2) 家庭结构影响了儿童在传统规矩礼数的培养成效,主干家庭下的儿童对于传统规矩礼数的了解度和遵从度显著高于核心家庭下的儿童。主干家庭中的祖辈教养者对传统规矩礼数的起到重要的传承作用。(3) 传统规矩礼数既有传承的问题也有发展问题,不同方面的传统规矩礼数在传承过程中体现了一定的差异性。
Abstract: Self-made questionnaire was applied to conduct the survey, which included 4 parts: “table man-ners”, “visit rules”, “daily rules”, “old and young communication rules”. Two groups of children (30 from stem family and the other 30 from nuclear family) were participated the survey, to find those differences on understanding, identity and following. The results showed that: (1) Children’s traditional rules and customs development included 3 levels: knowing, understanding and doing. It was necessary to enlighten the children with reason, move them with affection, and guide them with action for children’s traditional rules and customs development. (2) The family structure had affected children’s traditional rules and customs development. The dimensions of understanding and following traditional rules and customs of the children from stem family were significantly higher than the children from core family. Grandparents played an important role in traditional rules’ and customs’ inheritance. (3) Different aspects of the traditional rules and customs showed some differences in the process of inheritance.
文章引用:张丰, 徐娟 (2017). 家庭结构对儿童传统规矩礼数培养的影响研究. 心理学进展, 7(4), 589-595. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.74072


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