Structural Modeling of Reconnaissance Satellite Information Application Chain Based on DoDAF
DOI: 10.12677/MOS.2017.62009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,883  浏览: 4,247 
作者: 张康明*:装备学院,北京;南昌陆军学院,江西 南昌;陈浩光:装备学院,北京
关键词: 侦察卫星应用信息链DoDAFABM结构建模Reconnaissance Satellite Information Application Chain DoDAF ABM Structural Modeling
摘要: 针对侦察卫星应用信息链体系结构建模问题,提出了基于DoDAF (department of defense architect framework)的体系结构描述方法和基于ABM (activity based methodology)的体系结构建模方法,构建了相应的侦察卫星应用信息链体系结构模型。本文首先分析了侦察卫星应用信息链的组成结构和任务活动,尔后依据DoDAF体系结构的设计步骤和侦察卫星应用信息链的作战流程,建立了侦察卫星应用信息链体系结构模型,从不同侧面描述了侦察卫星系统节点及节点间的信息关系,为开展侦察卫星应用信息链体系结构评估和优化奠定基础。
Abstract: Aiming at the structural modeling of reconnaissance satellite information application, this paper proposes a description method based on DoDAF (department of defense architect framework) and a modeling method based on ABM (activity based methodology), and constructs a corresponding model of reconnaissance satellite information application chain. Based on the design steps of DoDAF and the operational flow of reconnaissance satellite information application chain, this paper constructs the model of reconnaissance satellite information application chain, and describes the architecture of the application chain of reconnaissance satellites from different aspects. These results lay the foundation for the evaluation and optimization of the reconnaissance satellites application information chain.
文章引用:张康明, 陈浩光. 基于DoDAF的侦察卫星应用信息链体系结构建模[J]. 建模与仿真, 2017, 6(2): 70-79. https://doi.org/10.12677/MOS.2017.62009


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