Studying on the Hygiene and Safety of Food in School Restaurant of County
DOI: 10.12677/HJFNS.2017.62012, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,647  浏览: 3,487 
作者: 江 灏, 李 敬:长子县市场监督管理局,山西 长治
关键词: 食品质量食品安全学校餐厅管理措施HACCPFood Hygiene Food Safety School Restaurant Management Measures HACCP
摘要: 民以食为天,食以安为先,食品安全重若泰山。学校餐厅是学生就餐的主要场所,与学生日常生活息息相关,关乎学生身体健康和生命安全,但目前学校餐厅仍然存在各种食品卫生安全隐患,因此,解决学校餐厅食品卫生安全问题势在必行。本文对山西省太谷县学校餐厅存在的各种食品安全问题做一系统的论述分析,以期为解决县区学校餐厅食品安全问题提供参考依据,为学校管理提供帮助,为学生生活提供安全保障。
Abstract: Hunger breeds discontent, food safety is the first. Food security is more important issue than anything else. School cafeteria is the main place for students to eat, and it closely contacts with students’ daily life, health and safety. However, canteen food also has some potential hazards currently about the hygiene and safety problem. Hence, it is imperative to solve the issue on the hygiene and safety of food in school restaurant. This paper proposes a systematic discussion on the various issues of hygiene and safety about food in school restaurant in Taigu county in Shanxi province, in order to provide the reference for the solution of the issue on the hygiene and safety about food in school restaurant of county, which can also provide the effective measures for school management and security safeguard for student life.
文章引用:江灏, 李敬. 浅谈县区学校餐厅食品卫生安全问题[J]. 食品与营养科学, 2017, 6(2): 113-116. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJFNS.2017.62012


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