Treatment of Primary Supraorbital Neuralgia with Ear-Apex Blood-Letting
DOI: 10.12677/HJO.2017.62009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,492  浏览: 2,462 
作者: 刘红霞, 王晓燕, 姚 雪, 米东明:淄博市中心医院眼科,山东 淄博
关键词: 原发性眶上神经痛耳尖穴放血疗法Primary Supraorbital Neuralgia Ear-Apex Blood-Letting
摘要: 目的:观察耳尖穴放血在原发性眶上神经痛治疗中的疗效。方法:根据疼痛的程度将原发性眶上神经痛患者分为轻、中、重三组,应用耳尖穴放血结合西药常规治疗原发性眶上神经痛。结果:耳尖穴放血治疗原发性眶上神经痛治疗有效率100%。耳尖穴放血辅助治疗原发性眶上神经痛效果显著,可有效缓解疼痛。结论:耳尖穴放血疗法治疗原发性眶上神经痛简便易行,效果可靠,在原发性眶上神经痛治疗中可起到很好的辅助作用,可以考虑在眼科临床推广应用。
Abstract: Objective: To observe the curative effect of ear-apex blood-letting in the treatment of primary su-praorbital neuralgia. Methods: According to the degree of pain, the primary supraorbital neuralgia patients were divided into light, medium and heavy three groups; the application of ear-apex blood-letting combined with conventional Western medicine treatment of primary supraorbital neuralgia. Results: The treatment rate of primary supraorbital neuralgia was 100%. Ear-apex blood-letting adjuvant treatment of primary supraorbital neuralgia effect is significant, can effec-tively relieve pain. Conclusion: The treatment of primary supraorbital neuralgia with ear-apex blood-letting is easy and reliable, and it can play a good role in the treatment of primary supraor-bital neuralgia. It can be considered in the clinical application of ophthalmology.
文章引用:刘红霞, 王晓燕, 姚雪, 米东明. 耳尖穴放血治疗原发性眶上神经痛[J]. 眼科学, 2017, 6(2): 51-54. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJO.2017.62009


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