Effect of Sodium Sulfate on the Phase Transformation and Leaching Behavior of Vanadium Slag in the Roasting Process
DOI: 10.12677/MEng.2017.42013, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,497  浏览: 3,167 
作者: 刘保瑶, 史培阳, 姜茂发:东北大学冶金学院,多金属共生矿生态化冶金教育部重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳
关键词: 钒渣钠化焙烧浸出硫酸钠Vanadium Slag Sodium Roasting Leaching Sodium Sulfate
摘要: 合理的钒渣钠化焙烧工艺对钒的提取至关重要,直接关系到钒产品质量和生产成本。本文针对不同钒渣复合钠化焙烧工艺进行研究,探讨相转变行为对钒渣浸出机制的影响作用,结果表明:钒渣采用单一碳酸钠焙烧工艺与复合焙烧工艺进行对比,复合焙烧工艺的钒相转化率和收率略有提高,随着硫酸钠配入量的增加,硅和磷元素浸出率略有降低。随着焙烧时间的延长,钒、硅和磷元素的浸出率呈逐渐增大的趋势;在860℃条件下,采用复合钠化焙烧,Na2SO4配入量应控制在3%~9%,时间在30~60 min较为适宜。
Abstract: Reasonable process of vanadium slag roasting is very important to the extraction of vanadium, which is directly related to the quality and the cost of the products. In order to investigate the effect of phase transition behavior on the leaching mechanism of vanadium slag, different complex sodium roasting processes of vanadium slag were discussed. Results are shown as follows. Com-pared with in single sodium roasting process, the phase transformation efficiency and yield in complex sodium roasting process are slightly higher. With increase in the proportion of the sodium sulfate quantity, the leaching efficiencies of silicon and phosphorus decrease slightly. With the extension of roasting time, the leaching efficiencies of vanadium, silicon and phosphorus gradually increase. Adopting complex sodium roasting process at 860˚C, the proportion of the Na2SO4 quantity should be controlled at 3%~9%, and the time is suitable between 30 to 60min.
文章引用:刘保瑶, 史培阳, 姜茂发. 硫酸钠对钠化焙烧过程中钒渣浸出行为的影响[J]. 冶金工程, 2017, 4(2): 91-96. https://doi.org/10.12677/MEng.2017.42013


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