Selective Omniscient Narration and Implied Racial Attitude in Désirée’s Baby
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2017.52006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,063  浏览: 7,380  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王亚萍, 陈爱华:华中科技大学外国语学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 德西蕾的婴孩选择性全知视角种族观Désirée’s Baby Selective Omniscient Perspective Idea of Race
摘要: 《德西蕾的婴孩》是美国作家凯特•肖邦具有代表性的短篇小说之一。小说主题丰富,被誉为“世上最伟大的短篇小说之一”。学界普遍将其解读为反奴隶制和父权制的作品,我国叙事学家申丹通过分析隐含作者与潜藏文本的关系指出小说颠覆了表层的种族政治。本文通过分析小说中选择性全知视角的艺术运用和文本细读,发现叙述者通过把“内省”的范围局限于白人、省略或隐藏对白人不利的信息,且对黑人进行“外察”,形成了善良白人与邪恶黑人的种族对立,暗含了隐含作者褒白贬黑的种族观。
Abstract: Désirée’s Baby is one of Kate Chopin’s famous short stories. It is remarkable for rich themes and regarded as one of the greatest short stories in the world. Critics tend to take Diseree' s Baby as a progressive work against racial and patriarchal oppression. Shen Dan reveals that the story subverts the racial politics in the surface text after a thorough analysis between the implied author and the subtext. In order to explore the idea of race, this paper makes a detailed analysis on the selective omniscient perspective through a close reading. The omniscient narrator mainly focuses on white people’s psychology and covers their disadvantages on purpose, while roughly depicts black people, which leads to a racial separation and reveals the implied racial attitude of the story.
文章引用:王亚萍, 陈爱华. 论《德西蕾的婴孩》中选择性全知叙事与隐含的种族观[J]. 世界文学研究, 2017, 5(2): 37-42. https://doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2017.52006


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