A Study on Mental Health Status and Intervention Strategies of Secondary Vocational School Freshmen
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.66116, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,380  浏览: 2,244  科研立项经费支持
作者: 肖艳双:厦门市集美职业技术学校,福建 厦门
关键词: 中职新生心理健康干预策略Secondary Vocational School Freshmen Mental Health Intervention Strategy
摘要: 采用心理测评软件SCL-90量表对1123名中职新生进行调查。结果发现:心理健康总检出率为17%,其中男生检出率高于女生。中职新生心理健康阳性项目数最多的是强迫,最少的是躯体化。中职新生在SCL-90的躯体化、人际关系、抑郁、敌对、偏执因子得分和总均分上均显著低于全国常模,中职新生在强迫因子得分上低于全国常模,中职新生在恐怖因子得分上显著高于全国常模。中职新生在SCL-90的强迫因子上,男生低于女生。基于中职新生心理健康的总体状况和检出率、阳性项目数、常模比较、性别差异上进行了分析,据此有针对性地提出干预对策和建议,以期能对中职生的教育及人才培养工作提供现实的指导意义。
Abstract: A total of 1123 freshmen were investigated by psychological evaluation software SCL-90. The re-sults showed that the total detection rate of mental health was 17%, among which the male detection rate was higher than that of girls. The number of positive students in secondary vocational school freshmen was forced, the least is somatization. The scores of SCL-90 in the somatization, interpersonal relationship, depression, hostility, paranoid factor score and the total score of SCL- 90 were significantly lower than those of the national norm. The secondary vocational school freshmen were lower than the national norm, and freshmen in the terrorist factor score were significantly higher than the national norm secondary vocational school freshmen in the SCL-90 forcing factors, boys lower than girls. Based on the general situation and the detection rate, the number of positive items, the comparison of the norm and the gender difference, the intervention strategies and suggestions were put forward to improve the education and talent training work to provide practical guidance.
文章引用:肖艳双. 中职新生心理健康状况及干预策略研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(6): 821-828. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.66116


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