The Present Situation and Perfection Way of Farmers’ Social Security Right from the Perspective of Balancing Urban and Rural Development
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.67119, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,340  浏览: 2,424 
作者: 张颂昀:东南大学法学院,江苏 南京
关键词: 社会保障权城乡统筹农民社会权Social Security Rights Balancing Urban and Rural Farmers Social Rights
摘要: 保护农民社会保障权,构建及完善农民社会保障管理制度,是落实宪法赋与的公民平等权的客观发展规律, 不以人们意志为转移,是经济社会发展的必然选择,亦然是兼顾城乡发展构建和谐社会必经之路。在全面剖析中国农民社会保障管理制度的近况、生计的问题基础上,兼顾城乡统筹视角,探析农民社会保障的基本权利和农民社会保障经营管理的构建与完善。农民权益保障不仅需要相关的制度、政策、措施作支撑,更需要充分调动农民、政府和其他非政府组织的积极性,通过改善的法律机制来予以保障。
Abstract: The protection of farmers’ rights of social security, to build and improve farmers' social security management system is the necessary requirement to implement the Constitution giving citizens the right of equality, the inevitable choice of economic and social development, and the only way to balance urban and rural development and build a harmonious society. On the basis of full ana-lyzes the situation and existing problems of Chinese farmers’ social security management system, from the perspective of balancing urban and rural development, this paper explores and analyzes fundamental rights of farmers’ social security and how to construct and perfect its management system. To safeguard farmers’ right by sound legal mechanism, requires not only supporting from relevant institutions, policies, and measures, but also high enthusiasm from the farmers, the government and other NGO.
文章引用:张颂昀. 城乡统筹视域下农民社会保障权的现状及其完善路径[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(7): 841-847. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.67119


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