Research on Urban 3D Modeling and Visualization Based on Vehicle Mobile Measurement System
DOI: 10.12677/GST.2017.53016, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,419  浏览: 3,380 
作者: 徐学飞:云南省水文水资源局普洱分局,云南 普洱;张连芯:云南省普洱市镇沅县水务局,云南 普洱
关键词: 城市三维建模车载移动测量系统点云数据影像数据效率精度3DMAXUrban 3D Modeling Vehicle Motion Measurement System Point Cloud Data Image Data Efficiency Precision 3DMAX
摘要: 传统城市三维建模作业流程在精度和效率方面都存在一定的劣势,针对这种情况,本文通过车载移动测量系统采集的高精度高密度三维激光点云和高分辨率的全景影像,研究一套辅助城市三维建模及可视化的技术方案,它不仅能够提高城市三维建模的几何精度,而且能够大大提高三维地形模型构建的效率;因此,它能够为“智慧城市”三维模型建设提供一种快速、可靠和高效的辅助技术方法。
Abstract: In this paper, the high-precision, high-density, and three-dimensional laser point cloud and the high-resolution panoramic image collected by the panoramic motion measurement system are studied. The three-dimensional modeling process of the traditional city has some disadvantages in terms of precision and efficiency. It can not only improve the geometric accuracy of urban 3D modeling, but also can greatly improve the efficiency of 3D terrain model construction. Therefore, it can provide a quick, reliable and efficient auxiliary technology method for the construction of 3D model of “smart city”.
文章引用:徐学飞, 张连芯. 基于车载移动测量系统辅助城市三维建模及可视化研究[J]. 测绘科学技术, 2017, 5(3): 135-142. https://doi.org/10.12677/GST.2017.53016


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