Analysis of Pipeline Scales in Hydrogen Press System
DOI: 10.12677/HJCET.2017.74024, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,323  浏览: 1,658 
作者: 吴兆山:福建湄洲湾氯碱工业有限公司,福建 泉州
关键词: 压缩系统氯离子管道结垢润滑油Compression System Chloride Ions Pipeline Scales Lubricating Oil
摘要: 作者针对某氯碱公司2台S6D20型氢气增压压缩系统出口管道结垢造成压缩系统停机,进行了污垢成分检测、润滑油加热试验。结果表明:污垢的形成是由于压缩系统中润滑油与氯离子、铁离子等物质发生反应后与其他杂质混合物在管口沉淀而成。建议压缩系统采用无油润滑,并尽可能消除上游氢气中氯离子的影响。
Abstract: The reasons for pipeline scales of two S6D20 types hydrogen booster compression system were analyzed by scale composition test, lubricating oil heating test. The results showed that the for-mation of scales is due to the reaction of lubricating oil with chloride ion and iron ion. Then the reactant mixed with other impurities in the nozzle after precipitation. Thus, the oil-free lubrica-tion was suggested to compression system and as far as possible to eliminate the effect of chlo-ride ions.
文章引用:吴兆山. 氢压机系统管道结垢分析[J]. 化学工程与技术, 2017, 7(4): 162-167. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJCET.2017.74024


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