Study on Reserve Market Organization Mod-el in Regional Markets
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2017.74026, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,628  浏览: 4,642 
作者: 俞 蕙*, 周 剑, 李智勇, 周毓敏:中国南方电网电力调度控制中心,广东 广州;匡洪辉, 张德亮:北京清大科越股份有限公司,北京
关键词: 区域市场分区备用备用支援电能市场Regional Markets Power Reserve in Sub-Area Reserve Support Power Market
摘要: 区域电力市场中,各分区互为备用的运行模式能够有效降低区域电网备用成本,提升运行效率。在电能市场与备用市场顺序出清的组织模式基础上,本文构建了区域市场备用组织模式,通过实施各分区备用市场申报、挂牌交易和区域备用安全校验,实现对各分区备用交易计划安排,最后基于四节点系统构造算例验证了本文所提出模型的有效性。
Abstract: The interconnection of power grid could reduce reserve costs and increase the operation efficiency by the reserve and support between different sub-area. Based on the orderly clearing pattern of power energy and power reserve, this paper proposed a power reserve market organization model in regional markets. This organization model has three steps, including reserve declaration in sub-area, listed transaction and reserve safety checking. Based on these steps, reserve schedule between different sub-area could be compiled, its validity is proved by a case study on a four-node system.
文章引用:俞蕙, 周剑, 李智勇, 周毓敏, 匡洪辉, 张德亮. 区域市场中备用市场组织模式研究[J]. 智能电网, 2017, 7(4): 237-243. https://doi.org/10.12677/SG.2017.74026


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