Effects of Tone Language Experience on Second Language Tone Acquisition
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2017.53032, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,311  浏览: 3,917  科研立项经费支持
作者: 康 宇, 吴辰琛, 黄丽芳, 李 利:华南师范大学国际文化学院暨汉语学习与国际推广省重点实验室,广东 广州
关键词: 声调语言经验声调感知声调习得影响因素Tone Language Experience Tone Perception Tone Acquisition Influence Factors
摘要: 文章围绕着声调语言经验对第二语言声调习得影响的核心问题,首先介绍了二语语音习得领域中的两个经典理论模型,接着梳理并分析了当前研究者关于声调语言经验是否会影响第二语言声调习得的重要成果、理论分歧及其原因,最后指出了未来相关研究可切入的视角和值得注意的方面。
Abstract: This paper focused on the effect of tone language experience on second language tone acquisition. First it introduced two classical theory models in second language speech acquisition. Then it analyzed some recent reports on whether tone language experience had effects on second language tone acquisition, the divergence between them and their causes. Finally it offered some perspectives on future relevant researches and some aspects worth noticing.
文章引用:康宇, 吴辰琛, 黄丽芳, 李利. 声调语言经验对第二语言声调习得的影响[J]. 现代语言学, 2017, 5(3): 234-240. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2017.53032


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