Enlightenment of the Relationship between Stress Status and CopingStyle of Graduate Students onIdeological Politics Education
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.78132, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,720  浏览: 2,342 
作者: 王 莹:郑州大学教育学院,河南 郑州
关键词: 研究生心理压力应对方式思政工作Graduate Students Mental Stress Coping Style Ideological and Political Work
摘要: 近年来,社会和网络环境变化、培养制度改革等对研究生的心理健康状况带来诸多影响。研究生因心理压力产生许多心理问题,加之应对方式消极,导致影响学业、危及生命的事件时有发生。因此,研究生压力状况受到越来越多的关注。本文采用《研究生心理压力源量表》和《应对方式问卷》进行调查,通过分析在校研究生压力源及应对方式,探索引发压力的主要因素和采取应对方式的特点,以期对研究生思想政治工作开展提供依据。
Abstract: In recent years, the changes of society and network environments and the improvement of train-ing system have greatly influenced the mental health of graduate students. Mental problems caused by mental stress and passive coping style lead to many negative events related to study and life. Therefore, the stress status of graduate students is attracting increasing attention. In this paper, the investigation was implemented using Psychological Stress Scale of Graduate Students and Coping Style Questionnaire. The stress source and coping style of postgraduates were analyzed so as to explore the main factors inducing stress and the characteristics of coping style. This research can provide theoretical evidence for ideological and political work of graduate students.
文章引用:王莹 (2017). 研究生压力状况与应对方式的关系对思政工作的启迪. 心理学进展, 7(8), 1051-1057. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.78132


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