The Role of Sports Social Organizations in the Background of the Transformation of Government Function
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.69163, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,513  浏览: 7,652 
作者: 方 科:武汉体育学院研究生院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 政府职能体育社会组织全民健身Government Function Sports Social Organizations National Fitness
摘要: 文章分析了政府职能转变背景下体育社会组织在开展全民健身活动中的优势,探讨体育社会组织在推动全民健身过程中发挥的作用。结果显示:体育社会组织能够有效配置体育资源,丰富群众的业余生活,推动体育文化产业的交流与发展,满足群众的归属感。在政府职能转变过程中,体育社会组织有了自己发展的独立、自由空间,政府也在逐步下放一些权利给体育社会组织,例如:赛事举办权、组织建设队伍的权利。因此,政府与体育社会组织的权责关系就有了明确的分离,使体育社会组织在推动全民健身活动中起到了重要作用。
Abstract: This paper analyzes the advantages of sports social organization in carrying out national fitness activities under the background of the transformation of government function, and explores the role of sports social organizations in promoting national fitness. The results show that: sports social organizations can effectively allocate sports resources, enrich the masses of amateur life, to meet the senses of belonging to the masses. In the course of the transformation of government functions, sports social organizations have their own independent, free space, the government is also gradually decentralize some rights to sports social organizations, such as: the right to organize the event and team construction. Therefore, government and sports social organizations have a clear separation of powers and responsibilities, so that sports social organizations play an important role in promoting the national fitness activities.
文章引用:方科. 政府职能转变背景下体育社会组织的角色定位[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(9): 1145-1149.


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