The Influence of Motivation Conflict When Making the Wrong Decision on Regret
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.79135, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,612  浏览: 2,084 
作者: 刘祥宇:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 动机冲突后悔决策Motivation Conflict Regret Decision
摘要: 后悔作为一种消极的情绪被研究者进行了多方面的研究。伴随着研究的逐渐深入,后悔理论得到了各个方面的发展与完善;对后悔的影响因素的探究同样包括很多方面,但主要领域集中于神经机制、人格特质及情境信息三个方面。本研究分为两个部分,研究一和研究二。研究一采用自编的动机冲突与后悔的开放性问卷作为研究二情境编制的基础;研究二采用实验的方法,通过E-prime程序为被试呈现决策情境来诱发后悔情绪,其中决策情境分为有动机冲突情境、无动机冲突情境和控制情境。最终得出结论,在无动机冲突下被试决策错误后的后悔程度高于有动机冲突下被试的后悔程度。
Abstract: Regret is a kind of negative emotional experience. In recent years, researchers explore it from various angles and the development of Regret theory has been more and more comprehensive; to explore the main affecting factors of regret, it involves neural mechanisms, personality traits and situation information in three aspects. This research is divided into two parts, the research one applies a questionnaire of motivation conflicts and regret as the foundation of the study two, the other adopts the method of experimental research to induce regret, through the E-prime application to present situations for the participants, the decision situation is divided into motivated conflict situation, no motive conflict situation and controlled situation. Eventually it comes to the conclusion that under the non-conflict, the regret degree after decision-making mistake is higher than participants under the conflict degree of regret.
文章引用:刘祥宇 (2017). 有无动机冲突下的决策错误对后悔的影响. 心理学进展, 7(9), 1078-1088. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.79135


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