Design and Realization of Bus Station Voice Report System Base on the GPS
DOI: 10.12677/OJCS.2017.63011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,171  浏览: 4,727  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨桃香, 张 锋:曲靖师范学院物理与电子工程学院,云南 曲靖
关键词: GPS语音报站STC89C52RCLED显示GPS Voice Announcement STC89C52RC LED Display
摘要: 本文设计了一种基于GPS定位的公交车自动报站系统,它利用GPS接收单元接收卫星发送的信号,通过接收数据确认车辆的动态位置(经度、纬度)、时建、状态等信息,与公交线路信息库中存储的车站信息进行比较,根据预先设定的信息和规则向乘客通报车站和线路信息,以及语音温磬提示等多项服务。它可以彻底改变传统公交车语音报站必须由司机操控才能工作的落后方式,完全不需要人工介入,实现公交车报站的完全智能化。该系统是以GPS定位技术为基础来实现自动定位,从而提供自动报站服务。
Abstract: The paper designs a kind of automatic bus stops system based on GPS. It uses GPS receiving unit to receive signals transmitted by satellite, and then to confirm the vehicle dynamic location (longitude, latitude), time, status and other information by it. And compared with the information stored in the library, it is based on the predetermined set of information to remind passengers the stations and line information, and voice cozy tip or many other services. It can completely change the backward mode that the traditional bus auto-reporter-calling stop must be made by the driver controls to work, and completely do not need artificial intervention, and then realize the bus stop reporting completely intelligent. In order to provide automatic station reporting service, the system is based on GPS technology as the foundation to realize automatic positioning.
文章引用:杨桃香, 张锋. GPS定位的公交语音报站系统的设计与实现[J]. 电路与系统, 2017, 6(3): 87-95.


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