Several Communication Modes of the Internet of Things and the Technical Characteristics
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作者: 张 琴:中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,农业部东海及远洋渔业渔业资源开发利用重点实验室, 上海;上海海洋大学工程学院,上海;杨胜龙, 伍玉梅, 戴阳*:中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,农业部东海及远洋渔业渔业资源开发利用重点实验室, 上海
关键词: 低功耗物联网低功耗广域网低功耗局域网Low Power Consumption The Internet of Things Low Power Consumption WAN Low Power Consumption LAN
摘要: 在当今万物互联的时代,现有的通信网络已经由人与人、人与物、发展到物与物形成的互联网。低功耗无线通讯是当今物联网接入网技术的主要热点之一,由于具备低功耗、低成本的特点,可以很好地与物联网应用需求相匹配。低功耗无线通讯主要分为低功耗广域网和低功耗局域网,本文针对LoRa,NB-IOT,Sigfox,Weightless的低功耗广域网,和Zigbee,蓝牙4.0的低功耗局域网,分别从技术简介和关键技术等方面进行讨论,并对未来该技术提出展望。
Abstract: In today’s Internet era, the existing wireless communication networks have been developed from the interconnection between people and people or people and things to the interconnection between things and things. Low power wireless communication is one of the main hot spot of today’s Internet network technology. With the characteristics of low power consumption and low cost, the low power wireless communication is a good technology to match the application requirements of the Internet of things. The low-power wireless communication technologies include the low-power wide area network (WAN) and the low-power local area network (LAN). The low-power wide area network includes LoRa, NB-IOT, Sigfox, Weightless, and the Low-power local area network includes Zigbee and bluetooth 4.0, the technical introduction and the key techniques of each communication are discussed respectively, and the prospect of the low-power network technology is discussed.
文章引用:张琴, 杨胜龙, 伍玉梅, 戴阳. 几种常见的物联网通讯方式及其技术特点[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2017, 7(10): 984-993. https://doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2017.710111


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