Hyperworks Application in Modal Analysis of Instrument Panel Assembly
DOI: 10.12677/MOS.2017.64025, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,557  浏览: 3,419 
作者: 穆 光*, 杨银丽, 冯焕学:长春富维安道拓汽车饰件系统有限公司,吉林 长春
关键词: 仪表板总成Hyperworks模态分析有限元仿真Instrument Panel Hyperworks Modal Analysis Animation
摘要: 在汽车开发阶段,分析仪表板总成的模态特征对于产品有重要指导意义。本文应用Altair公司强大的前处理软件HyperMesh建立仪表板总成的有限元模型,并利用OptiStruct进行模态求解,最后使用HyperView进行后处理。通过分析结果找到了整体一阶模态偏低的原因,并对结构进行优化设计,为有大屏配置的仪表板模态结构设计提供了参考。
Abstract: During the car development phase, analyzing the modal characteristics of the Instrument Panel assembly is of great significance to the product. This paper applies HyperMesh of Altair to build the finite element model of the Instrument Panel assembly, and use OptiStruct to solve the modal analysis, then do the post-processing with Hyperview. By analyzing the results, the reason why the mode 1 of the whole is low is found, then the structure is optimized. The paper provides reference to the Instrument Panel structure design with large screen configuration.
文章引用:穆光, 杨银丽, 冯焕学. Hyperworks在汽车仪表板总成模态分析中的应用[J]. 建模与仿真, 2017, 6(4): 211-217. https://doi.org/10.12677/MOS.2017.64025


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