基于MIMO异构Ad Hoc网络节点调度优化算法
Node Scheduling Optimization Algorithm in Heterogeneous Ad Hoc Networks Based on MIMO
DOI: 10.12677/HJWC.2017.75019, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,592  浏览: 2,928  科研立项经费支持
作者: 冯婉媚:华南师范大学物理与电信工程学院,广东 广州
关键词: MIMO异构Ad Hoc网络分布式节点调度干扰MIMO Heterogeneous Ad Hoc Network Node Scheduling Interference
摘要: 多输入多输出(MIMO)技术在很大程度上提升无线网络的传输可靠性与频谱利用率。异构Ad Hoc网络中的节点不需要有线连接就能够直接通信,从而弥补了固定网络基础设施通信的缺陷。因此,异构Ad Hoc网络结合MIMO技术成为了学术界的一个研究热点。然而,在基于MIMO异构Ad Hoc网络中,不同的发送–接收对之间是通过不同的链路传输数据流,而链路与链路之间会存在共信道干扰的现象。好的节点调度方法对减少链路之间的干扰起很重要的作用。针对异构Ad Hoc网络传输链路特点,本文提出的分布式节点调度优化方法,根据每一条链路与其他链路之间的竞争情况,得到每一条链路的资源分配(rate)。在进行节点调度的过程中,根据不同链路的rate值,发送节点可以选择最优的接受节点传输数据流。实验仿真结果表示,分布式节点调度优化算法能够明显减少共信道干扰现象,从而提升系统的吞吐量。
Abstract: Multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) can obviously improve transmission reliability and bandwidth efficiency in wireless networks. The nodes in heterogeneous Ad Hoc networks enable to communicate directly without wired connections, making up the lack of communication with fixed network infrastructures. Therefore, heterogeneous Ad Hoc networks combined with MIMO techniques becomes one of the research hotspots in academia. However, in heterogeneous Ad Hoc networks based on MIMO, different transmitter-receiver pairs transmit data streams by different links which have the effect of co-channel interference. A good scheduling algorithm plays an important part in reducing the co-channel interference. According to the characteristics of heterogeneous Ad Hoc networks and the contention regions between links, we propose node scheduling optimization algorithm to obtain resource allocation (rate). Based on different rate of different links, transmitters can choose the optimum receivers to transmit data streams via node scheduling. The results of the experience proof that node scheduling optimization algorithm can highly improve the system throughput with reducing the effect of co-channel interference.
文章引用:冯婉媚. 基于MIMO异构Ad Hoc网络节点调度优化算法[J]. 无线通信, 2017, 7(5): 155-162. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJWC.2017.75019


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