Research of Huang Di Nei Jing on Relationship between Sleep and Time
DOI: 10.12677/TCM.2017.65039, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,940  浏览: 4,454  科研立项经费支持
作者: 周恩华:上海琉璃光中医门诊部,上海;郭宇航:广西中医药大学国际教育学院,广西 南宁
关键词: 《黄帝内经》睡眠午睡夜间睡眠阴阳时间“二分二至”昼夜节律生物钟Huang Di Nei Jing Sleep Siesta Nocturnal Sleep Yin-Yang Time Equinoxes and Solstices Circadian Rhythm The Circadian Clock
摘要: 《黄帝内经》中的“慎起居”是有其严密的地球公转和自转等天文学基础的,而这又提示了“二分二至”(春分日、卯时,秋分日、酉时,夏至日、午时,冬至日、子时)。用“二分二至”和阴阳理论可以较好地阐明睡眠的时间规律。就一年而言,春夏时睡眠不宜过长、夏天少于春天;秋冬时睡眠宜长、冬天多于秋天。对一天来说:1) 午睡对人是有益的。2) 所处环境的气候越炎热,午睡对人的益处越大。3) 午睡以“午时”或“午时”之前入睡为宜。4) 在生理上,午睡时间长短没有统一的标准,醒则即起。5) 在病理上,午睡对“阴虚阳亢”体质者尤其重要,而“阴胜阳虚”者却不宜多睡。6) “子时”或“子时”之前就寝较好,秋冬之时更应提早,特别是体弱、阳虚者。7) 由于存在着时间性、区域性和个体性差异,夜间睡眠时间的长短没有统一标准,应因时、因地、因人制宜;起床时间以第二天早上自然醒来为标准。
Abstract: Regular living mentioned by Huang Di Nei Jing (canon of medicine) is based on the astronomy knowledge such as earth evolution and earth rotation and so on. And the astronomy knowledge indicates Equinox and Solstice (the vernal equinox, the autumnal equinox, the summer solstice and the winter solstice). The relation between sleep and time is preferably explained by Equinox and Solstice and theory of Yin and Yang (theory of traditional Chinese medicine). For one year, being less than that in autumn and winter is good and more sleep in spring than that in summer would be good too. On the contrary is longer sleep in winter than that in autumn would be good too. For the day, 1) Napping is good for people. 2) The hotter the climate, the greater the benefits of napping. 3) It is advisable to take a nap at noon or before noon. 4) In physiology, there is no uniform standard for the duration of nap, and wake up. 5) In pathologically, nap is especially important for the Yin deficiency physique, while “Yin Yang deficiency” people should not sleep more. 6) It is better to go to bed before 23:00 - 01:00, especially in the autumn and winter, especially when the body is weak and the Yang is empty. 7) It should be adjusted according to seasonal conditions, local conditions and physique of individual getting up next morning.
文章引用:周恩华, 郭宇航. 《黄帝内经》睡眠与时间的相关性研究[J]. 中医学, 2017, 6(5): 236-240. https://doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2017.65039


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