The Key Technology Research for Virtual Campus Roaming System Development
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2017.711118, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,644  浏览: 3,298  国家科技经费支持
作者: 陈 晴, 杨 蕾, 孟丽丽*, 王 飞:华北理工大学,河北 唐山
关键词: 虚拟校园漫游Unity 3D3Ds MaxVirtual Campus Roaming Unity 3D 3Ds Max
摘要: 本项目以华北理工大学为研究对象,开发了一个具有三维校园展示、在线虚拟漫游及信息管理与服务等功能的虚拟校园漫游系统。该系统能够全方位地展示校园的各种环境,具有较强的交互性和沉浸感,用户在虚拟校园中漫游会有身临其境的感觉,对学校的形象宣传、信息化管理将产生重要的作用。该系统基于Unity 3D游戏引擎,利用三维建模技术,采用C#脚本语言进行交互开发,并融合计算机网络技术等,对三维场景建模及优化技术、角色与场景之间的交互技术、碰撞检测等进行深入研究。
Abstract: Taking North China University of Science and Technology as the research object, a virtual campus roaming system with functions of three-dimensional display, online virtual walk-through, information management and services was developed. With strong interactivity and immersion, the system can show varieties of campus environment in all directions to make users have immersive experience when roaming through virtual campus, thus promoting the campus image publicity and information management greatly. Based on the Unity 3D game engine, the roaming system was interactively developed with the three-dimensional modeling technology, and C# script language, and combined with computer network technology, etc. Through the development of this system, we have made a further study of the three-dimensional scene modeling and optimization, interaction between roles and scenarios, collision detection technology.
文章引用:陈晴, 杨蕾, 孟丽丽, 王飞. 虚拟校园漫游系统开发中的关键技术研究[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2017, 7(11): 1045-1051. https://doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2017.711118


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