Distribution of Mineral Resouces in Mongolia and the Prospects of Economic Development and Cooperation between China and Mongolia
DOI: 10.12677/WER.2012.13005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,568  浏览: 14,255  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李靖宇, 张晨瑶, 雷 杨:辽宁师范大学海洋经济与可持续发展研究中心区域经济研究所
关键词: 蒙古国矿产资源布局中蒙合作开发前景论证 Republic of Mongolia; Distribution of Mineral Resources; The Cooperation between China and Mongolia; Prospects for Demonstration
摘要: 摘 要:习近平副主席早在2008年6月访问蒙古国期间就签署的《中蒙经贸合作中期发展纲要》,标志着中蒙两国经贸合作关系特别是矿产资源合作开发进入了新阶段。由于蒙古国是中国实施睦邻、富邻、安邻政策的主要对象,矿产资源合作开发又是中蒙两国经贸合作关系发展的重要领域,所以双方表示今后将把矿产资源开发作为双边经贸合作重点来加大投入力度。为此,有必要从总体上扫描蒙古国矿产资源分布情况和开发态势,进一步认定中蒙两国合作开发矿产资源的有利条件,也要透视出中蒙双方合作开发矿产资源的不利因素,并且有针对性地提出中蒙两国加大力度合作开发矿产资源的对策创意:双方应当协调实施北水南调和海水西调工程,以解决矿区缺水问题;双方应当以大企业为主体开发运作重点项目,以解决投资风险问题;双方应当携手大力拓宽融资渠道,以解决基础设施建设进程迟缓问题;双方应当致力于全面强化友好合作关系,以解决矿产资源合作开发遇到的各种问题。作者认定,只有这样努力下去,才能有效推进中蒙两国合作开发矿产资源项目,进而以此为切入点在原有经贸合作的基础上大展宏图,为双方经贸合作关系得以持久发展注入强劲动力,共同拓展出合作开发矿产资源的光明前景。
Abstract: Abstract: The Vice President of China Xi Jinping visited Mongolia and signed The Sino-Mongolian Economic and Trade Cooperation Medium-Term Development Compendium in June 2008, indicating that the economic and trade relationship between China and Mongolia entered a new phase, especially in the aspect of mineral resources cooperation development. Since Mongolia is the major object of Chinese friendly policy, and the cooperative development of mineral resources is an important area of economic and trade cooperation between China and Mongolia, the two sides claimed that they would develop the mineral resources for bilateral economic and trade cooperation in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to scan the general distribution and exploitation trend of the mineral resources of Mongolia. Then we try to find the favorable conditions of mineral resources development betweenChinaandMongolia. At the same time we should find the unfavorable factors of the Sino-Mongolian cooperation and development of mineral resources, and put forward the creative countermeasures about development of mineral resources. Both sides should coordinate the North-South Water Diversion Project and Sea water to West project to solve the water shortage problem of the mining areas. Both sides ought to operate the key projects by focusing on the large enterprises to solve the problem of investment risk. Both sides should work together to broaden the finance channels to solve infrastructure construction backwardness. Both sides should be committed to strengthening the friendly and cooperative relations to solve the various problems arising from mineral resource cooperation development. Only by this way can we promote the mineral resources development project between two countries effectively so as to inject vigor to bilateral economic and trade cooperation.


文章引用:李靖宇, 张晨瑶, 雷杨. 蒙古国矿产资源布局与中蒙两国合作开发前景论证[J]. 世界经济探索, 2012, 1(3): 28-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WER.2012.13005


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