A Clinical Observation on Chronic Superficial Gastritis Treated by Acupuncture Zusanli with Xiechu and Buzheng during the Period of the Day from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.
摘要: 目的:验证纳支法“泻初补正”时机补泻的临床效果。方法:以“慢性浅表性胃炎”为观察病例,对胃病腑证选取足三里定时治疗的方法使用纳支法治疗,对30例胃阴不足型虚证于辰时正刻施针刺补法治疗,对30例胃络淤阻型胃病则于辰时初刻施针刺泻法治疗,分别与各自证型奥美拉唑肠溶胶囊治疗的西药组30例对照,观察疗程为20天,观察诸组间临床疗效、中医证候评分值和治疗后2月内的临床复发率等指标变化。结果:1) 胃阴不足证辰正补母法组、胃络瘀阻证辰初泻足三里组在中医证候评分、临床疗效上各自均优于相应西药对照组,说明无论实证泻初或虚证补正的待时纳支法治疗都有肯定的和优于常规西药的临床疗效。2) 随后2月的复发率研究方面,辰时补正纳支法组、辰时泻初纳支组均与各自常规西药对照组无差异。结论:“泻初补正”纳支法临床补泻时机正确,也是临床高效的方法,值得临床上推广运用。
Abstract: Objective: To verify the clinical effect of Nazhi method of the reinforcing at zheng time and reducing at chu time. Method: Taking “chronic superficial gastritis” as an example to study, treat Gastric Diseases and Viscera Syndrome by acupuncturing Zusanli on time by Nazhi Method. Thirty cases of deficiency of stomach yin were treated with acupuncture reinforcing manipulations at 7 a.m, and thirty cases of gastric diseases of stomach collateral stasis type were treated with acupuncture reducing manipulations. Each western medicine control group of 30 cases from the same syndrome was treated with omeprazole enteric-coated capsule. The course of observation was 20 days, and then the clinical efficacy, TCM syndrome score and clinical recurrence rate after 2 months were compared between the two clinical experiments. Result: 1) Each of the two acupunctured groups was superior to its western medicine control group in TCM syndromes scores and the clinical effective rates, indicating that they were effective therapies. 2) There was no significant difference between each of the two acupuncture groups and its western medicine control group in recurrence rate within two months after the intervention. Conclusion: The reinforcing at zheng time and reducing at chu time with Nazhi method is clinically correct, and Nazhi method of the reinforcing at zheng time and reducing at chu time is clinically efficient. So, it is worthy of clinical application.
文章引用:罗本华, 吴小玲, 李玉秋, 曾启峰. 足三里辰时泻初补正针刺治疗慢性浅表性胃炎临床观察[J]. 中医学, 2021, 10(1): 107-113. https://doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2021.101014


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