Vertex Reducible Edge (Total) Coloring of Two Classes of Generalized Petersen Graph
DOI: 10.12677/PM.2023.136188, PDF, HTML, 下载: 143  浏览: 200  科研立项经费支持
作者: 周 莉*, 雷飞:兰州交通大学应用数学研究所,甘肃 兰州
关键词: 广义Petersen图点可约边(全)染色点可约边(全)色数Generalized Petersen Graph Vertex Reducible Edge (Total) Coloring Vertex Reducible Edge (Total) Chromatic Number
摘要: 图G的一个(非正常)边(全)染色f满足任意两个顶点的度相同时色集合相同,则称f是图G的一个点可约边(全)染色,其中任一点的色集合为该点(或该点及其)关联边所分配的颜色构成的集合,将所用的最多颜色数称为图G的点可约边(全)色数。运用组合分析法和构造染色函数法得到了广义Petersen图P(n,1)和P(n,2)的点可约边(全)色数。
Abstract: A non-proper edge (total) coloring f of G such that any two vertices with the same degree have the same color sets is called a vertex-reducible edge (total) coloring f of G, where the color set of each vertex consists of all colors assigned to (or the vertex and) its incident edges, and the maximum number the color required is said vertex reducible edge (total) chromatic number. In this paper, the vertex reducible edge (total) chromatic number of generalized Petersen graphs P(n,1) and P(n,2) are obtained by combination analysis and construction coloring function.
文章引用:周莉, 雷飞. 两类广义Petersen图的点可约边(全)染色[J]. 理论数学, 2023, 13(6): 1851-1858. https://doi.org/10.12677/PM.2023.136188


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