The Design and Implementation of an Aircraft Component Butt Software System
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2012.22013, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,207  浏览: 6,086 
作者: 卢小勇, 陈晓波, 习俊通:上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院
关键词: 部件对接设备管理三维仿真Aircraft Component Butt; Device Management; 3D-Simulation
摘要: 飞机部件对接是飞机总装的重要步骤,是指由多个相邻组件或部件连接形成飞机大型结构件。部件对接涉及到测量设备、调姿设备等硬件管理,对接过程管理,对接数据管理和对接三维仿真等内容。本文提出一个管理飞机部件对接产品工程数据集和管理飞机部件对接的硬件设备的解决方案,并使用Qt框架和OSG API设计和开发一个飞机部件对接软件系统。
Abstract: Aircraft component butt is an important process of aircraft assembly. Aircraft component butt uses adjacent components to form large-scale aircraft, which involves device management, assembly process management, data management and 3D-simulation. This paper provides a solution to managing data and device of aircraft component butt. Qt Framework and OSG API are adopted to develop an aircraft component butt software system.
文章引用:卢小勇, 陈晓波, 习俊通. 飞机部件对接软件系统设计与实现[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2012, 2(2): 66-71. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2012.22013
