The Motivation, Connotation and Path of Students’ Participation in Discipline Governance
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2023.1312754, PDF, 下载: 114  浏览: 159 
作者: 杜 蕾:江苏大学教师教育学院,江苏 镇江
关键词: 学生参与学科治理知识组织权力Students’ Participation Discipline Governance Knowledge Organization Power
摘要: 学生参与学科治理既是培养学生创造性思维的应然要求,又是形成师生良性互动的现实需要,更是学生发展理论的实践逻辑体现。学生参与学科治理意指学生通过认知、情感参与基础上的行为主动参与到学科治理知识层面的课程选择、在组织层面发挥学生组织的媒介作用以及在权力层面行使学生权力的具体实践过程。然而现实中,学生参与学科治理依旧存在知识、组织、权力层面的三重困境,主要体现在专业知识匮乏、角色转换困难;学生组织虚化、参与途径缺失;行政与学术权力交错、学生权力丧失。因此,学生参与学科治理的途径可以从知识层面明确学生参与地位,落实课程决策细则;从组织层面依法建设学生组织,完善学生参与途径;从权力层面增强学生权力意识,重塑学生参与机制。让学生有权力、有途径、有能力参与学科治理,实现学科善治的愿景。
Abstract: Students’ participation in subject governance is not only the requirement of cultivating students’ creative thinking, but also the realistic need to form a benign interaction between teachers and students, but also the practical logic embodiment of students’ development theory. Students’ participation in subject governance refers to the specific practice process in which students actively participate in the course selection of subject governance knowledge based on the basis of cognitive and emotional participation, play the media role of student organizations at the organizational level, and exercise students’ power at the power level. However, in reality, students still have three difficulties of knowledge, organization and power in discipline governance, mainly reflected in lack of professional knowledge and difficulty in role transformation, deficiency of student organization and lack of participation, and intersection of administrative and academic power and loss of student power. Therefore, the way for students to participate in the subject governance can clarify the student participation status from the knowledge level, implement the course decision-making rules, build the student organization from the organizational level, improve the student participation approach, enhance the students’ power consciousness from the power level, and reshape the student participation mechanism. Let students have the right, way and ability to participate in discipline governance and realize the vision of good governance.
文章引用:杜蕾 (2023). 学生参与学科治理的动因、内涵与路径. 心理学进展, 13(12), 5930-5939. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2023.1312754


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