Exploration and Practice of Theme-Based Python Program Design Teaching Reform
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2023.1112597, PDF, 下载: 103  浏览: 179  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨小红:中国地质大学(武汉)计算机学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 主题式教学Python语言程序设计非计算机专业Theme-Based Teaching Python Program Design Non-Computer Major
摘要: 本文针对现有计算机编程语言教学中语法繁琐、理论与实践脱节等问题,分析Python语言的特点及其教学开展现状,提出了一种主题研究式教学创新模式,设计并构建面向多个不同专业的教学案例库,研发了基于“课堂–上机–课后”三位一体的主题式计算机语言教学模式,并总结教学改革效果和经验。实践表明,在主题研究式教学模式指导下的Python语言程序设计课程显著提高了学生的程序设计兴趣及运用计算思维解决专业问题的能力,取得了良好的教学效果。
Abstract: Aiming at the problems such as complicated grammar and disconnection between theory and practice in the teaching of computer programming language, this paper analyzes the features of Python language and the present situation of its teaching, and puts forward an innovative teaching mode of theme-based research. In this study, the teaching case base for many different majors is designed and constructed, the theme-based computer language teaching model based on the trinity of “classroom-computer-after class” is developed, and the teaching reform effect and experience are summarized. The practice shows that the program design course of Python under the guidance of the theme-based teaching mode has greatly improved the interest of students in program design and their ability to solve professional problems by using computational thinking; good teaching results have been achieved.
文章引用:杨小红. 主题研究式Python语言程序设计教学改革探索与实践[J]. 创新教育研究, 2023, 11(12): 4071-4075. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2023.1112597


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