Exploring the Teaching Strategies for the Course of Introduction to Earth Science with Integrated Ideological and Political Education in the Context of Global Warming: A Case Study on Natural Disasters and Disaster Mitigation Measures
摘要: 本文通过分析全球变暖对自然灾害和环境的影响,首先强调在地球科学教育中融合思政教育元素的重要性,然后通过对我校大气科学学院《地球科学概论》课程章节内容的分析,针对自然灾害与减灾对策教学中思政教育的融合策略进行了探讨。预期通过本部分内容的学习,培养学生的自然灾害应对、环境和地球保护意识,以及社会责任感和使命感。
Abstract: This article analyzes the impact of global warming on natural disasters and the environment. It firstly emphasizes the importance of integrating ideological and political education elements into earth science education. Then, through an analysis of the content of the “Introduction to Earth Science” course chapters at our university’s school of atmospheric sciences, it discusses the integration strategies of ideological and political education in teaching about natural disasters and disaster mitigation strategies. It is anticipated that through the study of this content, students will develop an awareness of natural disaster response, environmental and earth protection, as well as a sense of social responsibility and mission.
文章引用:李谢辉, 曾胜兰, 王磊. 全球变暖背景下融合思政教育的《地球科学概论》课程教学策略探讨——以自然灾害与减灾对策为例[J]. 教育进展, 2024, 14(1): 746-750. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2024.141116


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