Application of Child-Friendly Theory Construction in Urban Parks—Taking Nantong Binjiang Park as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/Design.2024.91003, PDF, 下载: 83  浏览: 233 
作者: 韩镕泽:南通大学艺术学院,江苏 南通
关键词: 儿童友好型城市公园户外活动空间Child-Friendly City Park Outdoor Activity Space
摘要: 儿童时期是成长中极为重要的一个阶段,其成长环境对儿童的健康发展尤为重要。本文以南通滨江公园儿童户外活动空间作为主要研究对象,通过分析当前儿童友好型公园的发展现状,以南通滨江公园为主要载体,通过对儿童友好型公园主要设计原则的分析,针对各年龄段儿童的行为特征变化,并结合南通江海文化地域特征,对滨江公园中的儿童活动场所进行设计改造,为周边儿童提供游乐的场地空间,以满足儿童在户外空间的游玩活动需求。
Abstract: Childhood is a very important stage of growth, and its growth environment is particularly important for children’s healthy development. This paper takes children’s outdoor activity space in Nantong Binjiang Park as the main research object, analyzes the current development status of child-friendly parks, takes Nantong Binjiang Park as the main carrier, analyzes the main design principles of child-friendly parks, and makes zoning design according to the behaviors of user groups and children of different ages. Combined with the local human and geographical charac-teristics of Nantong, the children’s play space in the park is designed and transformed to provide the surrounding children with play space to meet the needs of modern children’s outdoor entertainment.
文章引用:韩镕泽. 儿童友好型理论建设在城市公园中的运用——以南通市滨江公园为例[J]. 设计, 2024, 9(1): 22-28. https://doi.org/10.12677/Design.2024.91003


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