New Kadison-Singer Lattices in Matrix Algebras
DOI: 10.12677/PM.2012.23021, PDF, 下载: 3,122  浏览: 9,628  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈改娟*, 任院红*:重庆师范大学数学学院;王 宁*, 刘 倩*
关键词: Kadison-Singer格矩阵代数Kadison-Singer代数von Neumann代数Kadison-Singer Lattice; Matrix Algebra; Kadison-Singer Algebra; von Neumann Algebra
摘要: 本文在矩阵代数M2(C)和M3(C)中由一个极大套和由一个分离向量决定的秩1投影生成的Kadison-Singer格及Kadison-Singer代数的基础上,将该类投影分别嵌入到矩阵代数M4(C)与M6(C)中,构造出了生成M4(C)与M6(C)Kadison-Singer格并计算出了相应的Kadison-Singer代数。
Abstract: For given Kadison-Singer lattices in  matrix algebras  M2(C) and M3(C)  which is generated by a maximal nest and rank 1 operator determined by a separating vector, the paper constructs new Kadison-Singer lattices in M4(C) and  M6(C)which generate the full matrix algebras M4(C)  and  M6(C)respectively.
文章引用:陈改娟, 任院红, 王宁, 刘倩. 矩阵代数中一类新的Kadison-Singer格[J]. 理论数学, 2012, 2(3): 131-137. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/PM.2012.23021


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