An Analysis of Chinese Survival Narratives in “Wild Boars Crossing the River”
摘要: 作为马华文学代表作家,张贵兴执著于书写婆罗洲华人的集体记忆与在地文化。他出版于2018年的《野猪渡河》是婆罗洲华人抗战史书写的一次突破,小说描以文学叙事的方式建构起华人在抗日战争前后的生存记忆。从英属殖民时期多元族群中的排他性生存,到日据“三年零八个月”的抗争性生存,再到宏观视野下的融合性生存,华人的生存叙事经历了形成、崩溃、重构的历程,展现了华人主体与在地文明间复杂的互动关系,建构出婆罗洲华人历史性的族群生存寓言。
Abstract: As a representative writer of Malaysian Chinese literature, Zhang Guixing is dedicated to writing the collective memory and local culture of the Chinese in Borneo. His “Wild Boars Crossing the River” published in 2018 is a breakthrough in the writing of the history of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War in Borneo. The novel uses a literary narrative to construct the memory of the Chinese people’s survival before and after the Anti-Japanese War. From exclusive survival among diverse ethnic groups during the British colonial period, to struggling survival during the “three years and eight months” of Japanese occupation, to integrated survival from a macro perspective, the Chinese survival narrative has experienced formation, collapse, and reconstruction. The process shows the complex interactive relationship between the Chinese subjects and the local civilization, and constructs a historical ethnic survival fable of the Chinese in Borneo.
文章引用:王樑稳. 《野猪渡河》中的华人生存叙事探析[J]. 世界文学研究, 2024, 12(2): 111-116. https://doi.org/10.12677/wls.2024.122018


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