Research on Challenges and Countermeasures of Enterprise Integrated Service Center Construction from the Perspective of Service-Oriented Government—Based on the Case Study of Enterprise Integrated Service Center in District X of H City
摘要: 政务服务水平与市场主体感知度息息相关。建立企业综合服务中心是浙江省大力开展政务服务增值化改革的有力举措,是不断提升区域内市场主体满意度、获得感的积极探索,其背后更是对政府职能、业务流程、组织架构等的重新调试。当前,企业综合服务中心的建设正处于起步阶段,而企业以多样性、动态性、差异性等为特点的需求诉求就对企业综合服务中心的成功建立发起了挑战。本文从服务型政府视角出发,以H市X区企业综合服务中心为研究对象,阐述现阶段企业综合服务中心发展过程中面临的挑战,并有针对性地提出优化路径,期于进一步放大政务服务增值化改革实效。
Abstract: The level of government service is closely related to the perception of market subjects. The establishment of the enterprise comprehensive service center is a powerful measure for Zhejiang Province to vigorously carry out the reform of value-added government services, and an active exploration to continuously improve the satisfaction and sense of gain of market players in the region, behind which is the re-debugging of government functions, business processes and organizational structures. At present, the construction of enterprise integrated service center is in the initial stage, and the demands of enterprises characterized by diversity, dynamic and difference have challenged the successful establishment of enterprise integrated service center. From the perspective of service-oriented government, this paper takes the enterprise integrated service Center in X District of H City as the research object, expounds the challenges faced in the development process of enterprise integrated service center at the present stage, and puts forward targeted optimization paths, hoping to further enlarge the effectiveness of the reform of value-added government services.
文章引用:廉雪娅. 服务型政府视角下企业综合服务中心建设挑战与对策研究——基于H市X区企业综合服务中心的案例研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2024, 13(5): 62-67. https://doi.org/10.12677/ass.2024.135364


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