Interpretation and Review of the World Famous Political Geography Theories
摘要: 近现代著名的政治地理理论有麦金德的“陆心”学说、斯皮克曼的“陆缘”学说、柯恩的“多极世界”模型等。这些理论或学说不同程度地对世界的政治格局产生了重要影响。结合当今世界政治格局的现实和未来的世界政治格局走向,试对这些理论或学说的基本观点进行简要述评与解读。
Abstract: There are some modern famous political geography theories, such as Mackinder’s heartland theory, Nicholas Spykman’s rimland theory, Saul Cohen’s multi-polar world model theory etc. These theories had a significant impact on political situation of the world in different degrees. This paper combined with the real-ity of world political situation nowadays and the trend of world political situation in the future, and then tried to make a brief review and interpretation based on the basic viewpoints of these theories.
文章引用:曹诗图. 试对世界著名政治地理理论的述评与解读[J]. 地理科学研究, 2012, 1(2): 39-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/GSER.2012.12005