Analysis on Kunming Creative Industries with KSF
DOI: 10.12677/MSE.2013.21001, PDF, 下载: 3,067  浏览: 9,930 
作者: 仲英豪, 彭可亮:云南大学,昆明;张则宪*:昆明聚焱科技有限公司,昆明;方娟, 李卫红:昆明市生产力促进中心,昆明
关键词: 创意产业成功因素因素Creative Industries; Factors; Consequence
摘要: 区域创意产业经济状况及结构、与外界交流等构成其创意产业发展重要因素。本文通过对创意产业影响因素分析,建立区域创意产业关键成功因素分析(KSF)结构框架,并就KSF在该领域应用等问题进行探索性研究。并以昆明市创意产业发展的KSF关系进行案例分析。
Abstract: The situation and structure, exchange outside etc. of the regional creative industries are the most important compositions of the regional creative industries. In this paper, the KSF structure of regional creative indus-tries was set up by the way of the analysis of the influencing factors. And the relevant aspects of the KSF ap-plication in regional creative industries were also discussed. Moreover, Kunming city is as an example for this kind of study.
文章引用:仲英豪, 彭可亮, 张则宪, 方娟, 李卫红. 昆明市创意产业发展KSF分析[J]. 管理科学与工程, 2013, 2(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MSE.2013.21001


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