The Research Status of Learned Resourcefulness
摘要: 习得性智谋是个人的认知行为技巧,属重要的个体内应对资源。大量研究显示习得性智谋水平越高,个体应对压力事件、保持健康状态的能力越强。文章对习得性智谋的研究现状进行综述,旨在展示习得性智谋的研究热点,提高医务人员的深刻认识,以期引起足够重视,同时对习得性智谋目前的研究空白和不足进行分析,并预测习得性智谋将来的研究方向。
Abstract: Learned resourcefulness is an important personal resource of cognitive-behavioral coping skills. Extensive and compelling evidence reveals that persons with higher levels of learned resourcefulness are better able to overcome life’s stress and facilitate health functioning. This article reviewed the research status of learned resourcefulness, aiming to show the research hotspots of learned resourcefulness, then enhance thorough understanding of medical worker and pay their attention, analyze the research gap and shortage at present, and predict the future research orientation.
文章引用:和晓凤, 高玲玲, 杨晓, 邓永芳. 习得性智谋的研究现状[J]. 护理学, 2013, 2(2): 15-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/NS.2013.22004


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