ML  >> Vol. 6 No. 2 (May 2018)

Modern Linguistics
Vol.6 No.2(2018), Paper ID 24838, 8 pages

“V + 人称代词 + 了”与“人称代词 + V + 了”的“转换”及理据探析
The Transformation between the Construction “V + R + le” and “R + V + le” and Its Motivation Analysis

刘 佳:上海海事大学外国语学院,上海

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How to Cite this Article

刘佳. “V + 人称代词 + 了”与“人称代词 + V + 了”的“转换”及理据探析[J]. 现代语言学, 2018, 6(2): 156-163.