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“后革命时代”指的是在1945年到1968年之间,被统治的地区从殖民统治下获得政治独立后的一段时期内的社会文化状况。它强调一种外部力量在消失后,政治独立地区内部寻求未来出路、如何处理中心与边缘的关系等问题上所面临的一系列困境,属于意识形态的范畴。这一时期的困境并不局限于格尔茨所说的本质主义与时代主义之争,其涉及到社会文化的很多方面。详见克利福德•格尔茨 (1999) 韩莉, 译. 文化的解释. 译林出版社,南京, 279-302.


  • 标题: 人文与理性:博物馆展览的诗学与政治学Humanity and Rationality: The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display

    作者: 尹凯

    关键字: 治理术, 人文与理性, 启蒙精神, 博物馆, 诗学与政治学Governmentality, Humanistic and Rational, Enlightenment Spirit, Museum, Poetics and Politics

    期刊名称: 《Modern Anthropology》, Vol.3 No.3, 2015-07-15

    摘要: 1789年,法国大革命的爆发为公共博物馆的诞生创造了条件,从博物馆诞生之日起,以理性、秩序、民族国家、公众教育等要素为特色的启蒙精神和以艺术、文学、地方、民间习俗等要素为特色的浪漫主义一直伴随着博物馆的历史发展。从“构成主义”角度来说,博物馆与社会文化发展具有同构性,共同经历了一系列的意识形态与观念的变迁——大众教育的治理术、人类学的他者观、边缘文化(人群)的表征以及“诗学与政治学”的解构与反思。因此,作为博物馆“元叙事”的启蒙精神与浪漫主义双重性矛盾在博物馆空间内,以诗学与政治学的修辞手法不断地进行历史性的“展演”,并在不同时期平衡着博物馆自身存在的价值。 In 1789, the outbreak of the French Revolution created the conditions of the birth of public mu-seums. From the date of birth of the museum, the spiritual enlightenment featuring the rational, the order, the nation-state, and the public education, and romanticism featuring art, literature, local folk customs had been accompanied by the historical development of the museum. From the constructionism perspective, social and cultural development of the museum had the isomorphism and the common experience of a series of changes of ideology and ideas—the governmentality of the public education, the anthropological concept of otherness, the representation of the edge culture (crowd), and “Poetics and politics” deconstruction and reflection. Therefore, as the museum “meta-narrative”, the spirit of the Enlightenment and Romanticism had the contradictory duality in the museum space to do constantly historic “performances” in a mean of “poetics and politics”, and of balance the museum’s own existence value of in different periods.


