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Lahey, B.B. (1995) Psychology: An introduction. WCB Brown & Brenchmark Publishers, Madison.


  • 标题: 直面内心,尊重生命—《十二怒汉》人物的精神分析Face up to Your Inner Heart and Respect Every Single Life—A Psychological Analysis of the Figures in 12 Angry Men

    作者: 钱家骏

    关键字: 十二怒汉, 陪审员, 弗洛伊德, 精神分析12 Angry Men, Juror, Freud, Psychological Analysis

    期刊名称: 《World Literature Studies》, Vol.3 No.3, 2015-09-04

    摘要: 近年来,学者对电影文学的关注度越来越高,经典电影《十二怒汉》对当今法治社会仍意义深远。影片中陪审员的心理变化贯穿整个故事情节始终,本研究借助弗洛伊德精神分析理论对陪审员的人格结构予以分析,通过对他们“本我”、“自我”以及“超我”的剖析发现,他们之所以最终一致投“无罪”票,是由于通过针锋相对的辩论,他们能面对现实,“自我”很好的调和了“本我”和“超我”之间的矛盾,最终直面自己的内心,做出明智的抉择,尊重了嫌疑人的生命。 In recent years, scholars have become increasingly interested in the study of movie literature. The classic film 12 Angry Men remains relevant in our society today that advocates the rule of law. The psychological changes of the jurors ran throughout the whole story in the film. The present study investigates the id, ego, and superego of the jurors using Freud’s framework of psychological analysis. The findings reveal that the reason why the twelve jurors unanimously voted “Not Guilty” is that they struck a balance between their id and superego with their ego. After heated debates, they finally faced up to their inner hearts and made a prudent decision, a move that reflected their respect for the life of the suspect.


