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王悦 (2011) 小说中的 “叙述化”: 一种不可靠叙述形式——以麦克尤恩的《爱无可忍》为例. 英美文学研究论丛, 1, 191-202.


  • 标题: 被忽视的非典型弱势群体—对《爱无可忍》中杰德•帕里命运的反思Atypical Disadvantaged Group Left Behind—A Reflection on Jed Parry’s Fate in Enduring Love

    作者: 周小琳, 吴兰香

    关键字: 伊恩•麦克尤恩, 《爱无可忍》, 非典型弱势群体Ian McEwan, Enduring Love, Atypical Disadvantaged Group

    期刊名称: 《World Literature Studies》, Vol.3 No.3, 2015-09-15

    摘要: 英国当代作家伊恩ž麦克尤恩1997年的小说《爱无可忍》讲述了科普作家乔ž罗斯努力摆脱“德ž克莱拉鲍特综合症”患者杰德ž帕里的故事。按照美国学者玛莎ž努斯鲍姆的分类,帕里属于非典型弱势群体的一员。在与这些易被社会忽视的人群打交道时,人文关怀更为重要。在故事中,乔正是因为陷入了过度的科学实证研究,才在无意之间不断将帕里引向疯狂。尽管乔的妻子克拉莉莎努力用自己的诗学智慧去影响他,但并没有能够改变事件的走向。这也从一个侧面说明以乔为代表的科学理性占据主导地位,遮盖了人文学者的声音。本文目的便在于通过帕里的遭遇,反思当今社会对待弱势群体的态度,呼吁社会给予他们更多的关心和爱护,也以此提醒人们人文关怀在妥善处理相应关系时的重要性。 Enduring Love, published by contemporary British novelist Ian McEwan in 1997, tells the story about a pop-science writer Joe Rose who attempts to rid himself of a mad stalker Jed Parry, a pa-tient of de Clérambault’s syndrome. Being a member of the atypical disadvantaged group, as classified by American scholar Martha Nussbaum, Parry is representative of the neglected people whose fates highlight the importance of humanistic care. In the story, Joe has been obsessed with the excessive rationalistic study of Parry’s case, and has unknowingly led to the worsening of Parry’s situation. Joe’s wife Clarrisa tries to influence him with her poetic wisdom, but her mild nature is not powerful enough to change the direction of the event, which actually reveals that Joe’s dominant rationalism has overshadowed the role of humanistic scholars like Clarrisa. Through Parry’s situation, this article believes that special care should be given to the disadvantaged group, and that humanities do play an indispensable role in society.


