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施信余. 依頼に対する断りの行動展開パターンに関する日台対照研究: 女性友人同士の電話会話データの分析から[J]. 国語学研究と資料, 2006(29): 43-54.


  • 标题: 日语拒绝发话行为的非言语行为的使用特征Nonverbal Behavior Using Features of Japanese People in Refusal Locutionary Act

    作者: 刘玉琴, 宋娜

    关键字: 拒绝发话行为, 非言语行为, 视频语料库, ELANRefusal Locutionary Act, Nonverbal Behavior, Video Corpus, ELAN

    期刊名称: 《Modern Linguistics》, Vol.3 No.4, 2015-11-10

    摘要: 本文基于视频语料库JV-Finder,以拒绝发话行为中的非言语行为为研究对象,使用ELAN多媒体转写标注软件,编辑非言语行为公式,试分析了日本人在拒接发话行为过程中的非言语行为使用情况及使用特征。通过本次研究得出,日本人在拒绝发话行为中,非言语行为比例占39%,其中以“视线”、“手势”、“鞠躬”为最常使用。并且,非言语行为的使用方式分为两种,伴随言语行为使用和独立使用;在日语拒绝表现中,非言语行为出现的位置多在拒绝发出时和拒绝完成后;根据其使用的情景,可将非言语行为划分为“实质性”和“非实质性”。拒绝行为中,谈话双方的话语权转换也很微妙。一次拒绝行为的完成可能是一次话轮转换即可,也可能要经过3次甚至3次以上的话轮转换才可完成,这要视谈话内容的重要性及双方的社会关系而决定。Based on JV-Finder video corpus and taking the nonverbal behavior as research object, this paper has analyzed nonverbal behavior using status and using features of Japanese people in refusal lo-cutionary act by ELAN multimedia writing software and editing nonverbal behavior formula. This research shows that in refusal locutionary act, nonverbal behavior takes 39% and frequently used by “sight”, “gesture” and “bow”. There are two ways of nonverbal behavior: used with verbal beha-vior and used independently. In refusal locutionary act, most of the nonverbal behavior appears when refusing or after refusing. According to the using status, nonverbal behavior can be divided into intentionality and supportability. In refusal act, discourse power conversion is also subtle. A refusal act needs only one turn taking or more than three turn takings depends on the importance of contents and social relations of the two communicators.


