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何电源. 中国南方土壤肥力与栽培植物施肥[M]. 北京: 科技出版社, 1994.


  • 标题: 火参果种植适宜性气象指标初探Evaluation of Suitable Meteorological Index for Cucumis metuliferus Planting

    作者: 梁平, 雷坤, 曹威伍, 古书鸿, 龙先菊, 刘诗韬

    关键字: 火参果, 引种试验, 适宜指标, 气象条件Cucumis metuliferus, Introduction Experiment, Suitable Meteorological Index, Meteorological Conditions

    期刊名称: 《Open Journal of Natural Science》, Vol.3 No.4, 2015-11-24

    摘要: 基于2014年黔东南州气象局农业气象试验基地(岑巩)火参果引种试验生育期观测资料,结合同期区域自动气象站观测资料,利用平行观测分析法,对火参果全生育期内气温、≥10℃积温、降水对火参果引种影响进行分析,初步研究结果表明:火参果在≥10℃积温3300℃∙d以上的地区可以种植;火参果出苗最适气温15℃~19℃;营养生长期最适宜气温22℃~24℃;生殖生长期最适宜气温24℃~25℃;气温低于20℃时不能正常开花;连续5 d累计降雨量50 mm以上、且连续4 d以上日降雨量大于5 mm时,易造成田间积水从而影响火参果正常生长。 Cucumis metuliferus introduction experiment was carried out in Qiandongnan Agrometeorological Experimental Base (Cengong) in 2014. Based on experimental data and the same term meteorological observation data, using the parallel observation method, the effect of temperature and accumulated temperature above 10˚C and precipitation during the whole growth period of Cucumis metuliferus was analyzed. The results showed the lowest integrated temperature ≥ 10˚C for Cucumis metalliferous growth was 3300˚C∙d; the optimum temperature for seed germination, vegetative growth and reproduction was 15˚C - 19˚C, 22˚C - 24˚C and 24˚C - 25˚C, respectively; the temperature below 20˚C was not suitable for the blossom. If the accumulated rainfall of 5 consecutive days was more than 50 mm and daily rainfall exceeded 5 mm for 4 consecutive days or more, it would cause waterlogging which would affect the growth of Cucumis metuliferus.


