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Allport, G.W. (1937) Personality. Holt, New York.


  • 标题: 人格特质、情绪状态对信息加工的影响The Influence of Personality Traits and Mood State on Information Processing

    作者: 刘晓敏

    关键字: 人格特质, 情绪状态, 信息加工, 特质一致性效应Personality Traits, Mood State, Information Processing, Trait-Congruent Effects

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Social Sciences》, Vol.5 No.1, 2016-03-02

    摘要: 本研究的目的是探讨人格特质、情绪状态对信息选择性加工的影响,验证“特质一致性效应”和“心境一致性效应”。通过施测艾森克问卷从324名被试中筛选出典型内倾、外倾型各30名被试,根据人格特质和情绪状态各自两个水平将被试匹配成4组,进行词性辨别和自由回忆实验。结果表明:1) 特质一致性效应是存在的,被试在信息加工过程中偏爱加工与其人格类型一致的信息;2) 诱发的情绪状态类型对信息加工具有不同影响,即正性情绪对信息加工有积极影响,而负性情绪对信息加工则有消极影响;3) 词性辨别实验中,刺激词的类型在反应时、正确率和自由回忆成绩上均存在显著差异,词性和人格特质两因素在反应时和自由回忆成绩上存在交互作用。 This paper’s purpose is to explore the roles that personality traits and mood states play in the se-lective processing of information by adopting lexical identification task. In our investigation, we tested 324 college students by EPQ (Eysenck personality questionnaire) and chose 30 extroversion and 30 introversion participants. Then we divided the 60 participants into 4 groups with the lexical identification task. The results were as follows: 1) The “trait-congruent effects” existed in the experiment; participants preferred to process the information which is close to their personality types. 2) Type of artificial import mood state which consists of positive and negative emotions had different influences on the performances. Positive emotion could make the performances be better and the negative emotion could weaken them. 3) Type of words had significant differences on reaction time, accuracy and the free recall performance. Factors of personality traits and types of words had interaction on reaction time and the free recall performance.


