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杨天石. 寻找真实的蒋介石[M]. 北京: 华文出版社, 2010.


  • 标题: 作为史家的战地记者—以《中国抗战画史》为中心研究A War Correspondent Who Worked with Historical Methods—Pictorial History of China’s War Resistance-Centered Research

    作者: 钱思纯, 王亦斐

    关键字: 曹聚仁, 战地记者, 史家, 《中国抗战画史》Cao Juren, War Correspondent, Historian, Pictorial History of China’s War Resistance

    期刊名称: 《Journalism and Communications》, Vol.3 No.4, 2016-03-10

    摘要: 面对民族危机,曹聚仁走出书斋,走上了战场成为了一名战地记者,以实际行动抗日救亡。他多年来源于浙东学派而积累的史学素养,以及之后在军事地理上的进一步学习考察,使得他有丰富的史学基础来进行史家视角的战地报道;他一生坚持“怀疑主义”——做冷静的观察者,以旁观者的视角,保持实事求是的求史态度,来为读者报道真相。这些从他对不抵抗政策、共产党敌后抗日等事实的考证上都能得以印证;由《中国抗战画史》可见,曹聚仁运用来源广泛、数量庞大、视角丰富的第一手资料来呈现了一个客观真实的战场,实是当代新闻工作者所应学习之典范。 Cao Juren decided to put down academic researches and become a war correspondent to save the country which was in the face of national crisis. Based on years of historiography attainments and further investigation of military geographic environment, Cao had solid historian academic foundation to report the wars from the historian perspective. He was faithful to skepticism in all his life. With objective perspective and practical attitude, Cao Juren, the calm observer, would tell readers the truth which we can obviously conclude from his hardworking on seeking out facts about nonresistance policy and the efforts of communist party in Anti-Japanese War. From Cao’s book Pictorial History of China’s War Resistance, we can see that Cao presented a real and objective battlefield with plentiful firsthand information from rich sources and different perspectives. Cao is such a good model for other journalists to go after.


