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秋元美晴. 日本語教育におけるオノマトペの位置づけ[J]. 日本語学, 2007, 26(6): 24-35.


  • 标题: 从日语教科书中看多义拟声拟态词的教育Polysemous Onomatopoeia Education Seen from Japanese Textbooks

    作者: 孙琳

    关键字: 多义拟声拟态词, 日语教材, 日语教育, 基本词汇Polysemous Onomatopoeia, Japanese Textbook, Japanese-Language Education, Basic Vocabulary

    期刊名称: 《Modern Linguistics》, Vol.4 No.2, 2016-05-05

    摘要: 本文通过横向的实证和比较研究,调查国内及日本本土的日语教科书中多义拟声拟态词的词汇涉猎和意味记述情况。通过二者的比较发现:在所有拟声拟态词中多义拟声拟态词所占比重超过一半,但国内的日语教材中,高频的多义拟声拟态词总频率较低,同时在其意味和用法的表述上,国内的教材解释、说明过于简单,通常情况下只涉及其中一种意思,对其他常用词义没有进行补充说明。对此,笔者认为可以通过增加课文和练习中多义拟声拟态语的复现率,并且导入多幅图片或多义词各词义的关系网图等视觉化手段,加强学生对其意味和用法的理解。同时,在比较两国教材的基础上还导入了《日本语能力测试出题基准》的词汇表,选定出初级和中级日语教育阶段的多义拟声拟态词的“基本词汇”,为今后进行多义拟声拟态词的语义扩张研究做好铺垫。 By comparing research and cross-empirical research, this paper carried out a survey on the use of actual situation of polysemous onomatopoeia in Japanese textbooks of China and Japan. By com-parison of the two kinds of textbooks, the results were as follows. In the whole of onomatopoeia, the number of polysemous onomatopoeia had accounted for more than half, but we could find a low frequency of appearance of polysemous onomatopoeia in the textbooks of China. Then, the descrip-tion of the meaning and usage was very simple; generally, it only described one of the meanings of them, and others had not been described. Therefore, I thought we could increase the frequency of occurrence of polysemous onomatopoeia in context of the textbooks or introduce a network or a picture of the relationship between the meanings. In addition to the comparison of textbooks, for the studies on meaning expansion of polysemous onomatopoeia in the future, this paper had also selected a vocabulary list of “Japanese Language Proficiency Test questions standards” through the “basic vocabulary” in the Japanese education of elementary and intermediate levels.


