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何光沪(1990). “爱这一个错”——读蒂里希《存在的勇气》. 读书, 6, 34-39.


  • 标题: 皈依的心路—文学大师金庸的心理传记学研究The Mentality of Conversion—Literary Master Louis Cha’s Psychobiographical Analysis

    作者: 王新路, 李朝旭, 孔亚荣

    关键字: 金庸, 皈依, 改宗, 重新整合统一, 心理传记学Louis Cha, Conversion, Proselytism, Reintegration, Psychobiography

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Psychology》, Vol.6 No.5, 2016-05-30

    摘要: 近年来,“金学”研究迅猛发展,但研究者多偏爱探讨金庸武侠小说的文学价值,鲜有对金庸本人人生经历的深入探索。本研究采用心理传记学的方法,从宗教信仰的视角,探求金庸先生宗教皈依的心路历程。研究得出:19岁长子传侠突然自杀后,金庸陷入“人之生死”疑问的痛苦。而对“亡灵不灭”的渴望及对佛教教义的领悟,使原本精读基督教经书的金庸最终选择皈依佛教,并成功走出丧子阴影,脱离痛苦。这符合宗教心理学所定义的改宗及皈依的重新整合统一,也折射了宗教的心理治愈意义。 In recent years, study of “Jinology” is developing rapidly. But many researchers preferred to explore the literary value of Louis Cha’s novels, rather than to give a deep exploration to the life experience of the literary master. This research mainly used a method of psychobiography from religious perspective to explore Louis Cha’s mentality of religious conversion. Then we learned that after the sudden committed suicide of 19-year-old eldest son who named Zha Chuan-xia, Louis Cha became rather grieving of the question that what is “life and death of human”. With the desire of “immortal souls” and the understanding of Buddhist doctrine, Louis Cha, who once read Christian scriptures intensively, chose to convert to Buddhism. And then he successfully got out of the shadow of his son’s death, even got away from the pain. This is consistent with proselytism and reintegration of convert from the definition in psychology of religion. From another aspect, it reflects the cure significance of religious mentality.


