新型城镇化时期综合交通运输与国民经济关联指标体系框架研究Associated Index System Research between Comprehensive Transportation and National Economy in the Period of New Urbanization
赵延峰, 王亚洁
综合交通运输, 国民经济, 关联理论, 关联指标体系Comprehensive Transportation, National Economy, Relevance Theory, Associated Index System
《Urbanization and Land Use》, Vol.3 No.1, 2015-03-03
当前及即将到来的“十三五”是我国新型城镇化建设的关键时期,深入研究综合交通运输与国民经济的内在关联规律,通过建立关联指标体系更科学合理的指导“十三五”综合交通基础设施建设对于落实新型城镇化战略具有重要意义。本文从综合交通运输与国民经济内在关联本质入手,提出城镇化率、产业结构是把握二者规律及表现的两大关键指标,在此基础上构建综合交通运输与国民经济关联指标体系研究框架,并初步拟定关联指标体系。In the key period of China’s new pattern urbanization, it has great significance to implement the new urbanization strategy which could precisely reflect the rules of internal connection between comprehensive transportation and national economy, and establish an supportive associated index system to guide the development of comprehensive traffic infrastructure in the “13th Five Year” period. This paper studies the inherent relationship between comprehensive transportation and national economy, points out that “urbanization rate” and “industrial structure” are the two key indicators of the relationship, complies a research framework of associated index system of comprehensive transportation and national economy, then further provides a preliminary asso-ciated index system.