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中央政府门户网站. 习近平主持召开中央全面深化改革领导小组第二次会议[EB/OL].
http://www.gov.cn/ldhd/2014-02/28/content_2625924.htm, 2014-02-28.


  • 标题: 以科技创新引领中国经济发展新常态Scientific and Technical Innovation Leads the New Normal of China’s Economic Development

    作者: 周军, 王青, 李永康

    关键字: 新常态, 科技创新, 引领, 路径, 对策建议New Normal, Scientific & Technical Innovation, Lead, Path, Countermeasures & Suggestion

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Social Sciences》, Vol.4 No.4, 2015-11-20

    摘要: 中国经济发展进入新常态,既要保持增长速度,又要优化经济结构,根本的动力是科技创新。论文分析了新常态下以科技创新引领中国经济发展的必然性,认为以科技创新引领经济发展是符合经济规律的必然选择,是尊重自然规律的必然之义,是遵循社会规律的必然之路,是基于现实基础的必然之跃,是抓住历史契机的必然之搏;总结了中国经济发展新常态对科技创新的要求,认为科技创新要“实”,要“自”,要“众”,要“共”;研究了新常态下推动科技创新的路径,提出要走一条中国特色、法治先行、体制创新和以人为本的路径;并从法治、市场、企业、政府、人才培养和文化等方面提出了新常态下推进科技创新的对策建议。 China’s economic development has come to the new normal state. In order to keep the economic growth rate and optimize the economic structure, scientific and technical innovation should be greatly promoted. The paper analyzes the necessity for the innovation driven development, which is the inevitable choice decided by laws of economic, nature, society, realistic basis and historical opportunity. Through studying the requirements of innovation driven development under new normal, the author summarizes that scientific & technical innovation should be solid, independent, numerous and collaborative. The paper brings forward four path selections for promoting scientific and technical innovation, which includes Chinese characteristics, adequate legal system, in-stitutional innovation and people oriented. The paper presents countermeasures and suggestion for promoting innovation driven strategy under the new normal of China’s economic development from the perspectives of legislation, market, enterprise, government, cultivation and culture.


