EEMD能量熵分析及在齿轮箱故障诊断中的应用Application of EEMD Energy Entropy Method to Fault Diagnosis of Gearbox
石智云, 贾民平
齿轮箱, EEMD, 能量熵, 幅值, 分解次数Gearbox; EEMD; Energy Entropy; Amplitude; Ensemble Number
《Mechanical Engineering and Technology》, Vol.1 No.4, 2012-12-19
For the non-stationary and non-liner characteristics of gearbox vibration signal, ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) method based energy entropy is proposed for signal analysis and fault diagnosis of gearbox. This method utilizes the advantage of EEMD which can effectively restrain model mixing. Firstly, EEMD method is used to decompose the original signal to get intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). Then, energy of each IMF is calculated. Finally, the energy entropy IMFs is obtained, since energy entropy can reflect the system’s working condition and fault type. The number of ensemble and the amplitude of the added white noise are two parameters need to be set. Different parameters are analyzed in gearbox vibration signals with comparison, aiming at a best choice.