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夏建中(1997). 文化人类理论学派——文化研究的历史. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社.


  • 标题: 蔡元培的人格特质及其对中国大学教育改革的影响Cai Yuanpei’s Personality Traits and Their Influences on Chinese University Education Reform

    作者: 孙菁, 吴继霞

    关键字: 蔡元培, 心理传记法, 多维尺度分析CaiYuanpei; Bio-Psychography; Multi-Dimensional Scaling

    期刊名称: 《Advances in Psychology》, Vol.3 No.1, 2013-01-28

    摘要: 本研究运用心理传记法以蔡元培为个案,编制出《蔡元培人格形容词评定量表》,收集180份有效问卷,一方面对数据进行因素分析,得出3个因素,分别命名为:厚德载物、刚正不阿、博学多才。另一方面,对数据进行多维尺度分析,得出7个类别:博学多才、远见卓识、正义凛然、刚正不阿、洁身自好、仗义执言和持之以恒。因素分析与多维尺度分析结果的对比,发现多维尺度分析方法能够更全面更精确地诠释蔡元培的人格特质。对蔡元培的人格特质的成因进行分析,发现其受到个体、家庭社会内外因和东方、西方多元文化的影响。最后探讨蔡元培的人格魅力对中国大学教育改革的影响。 This study focuses on the personal traits of Cai Yuanpei with the research method of bio-psychography. Cai Yuanpei’s Personality Adjective Rating Scale was made based on the analysis of biographical materials about Cai Yuanpei, and 180 valid questionnaires were collected. On the one hand, adopt factor analysis and reveal three factors as follows: virtue, uprightness and versatile talents. On the other hand, dealing with the data in the analysis of multi-dimensional scaling, classify Cai Yuanpei’s personality traits into 7 categories: versatile talents, visions, justice, uprightness, integrity preservation, doing for justice and perseverance. Through the comparison of factor analysis and multi-dimensional scaling analysis, multidimensional scaling analysis can be found in more comprehensive and accurate interpretation of Cai Yuanpei’s personalities. After analysing the cause of Cai Yuanpei’s personality, researchers have found that which were formed with the integral impacts from internal and external causes of himself, family and society to western and eastern multi-culture. Finally, this study illustrates the influences that Cai Yuanpei’s personal charm has made on the Chinese university education reform.


